Urayasu International Center is the place of international exchange and multicultural symbiosis.
We support daily life of foreign residents in Urayasu and communication of residents.
Many kind of language classes and Japanese support classes are held in this center.
Also, events of international exchange and seminar about multicultural symbiosis are held.
◆受付・外国人相談窓口/ Reception and Information for foreigners
We advice foreign residents how to cope with daily life, community and administration.
Reservations for the seminar rooms, as well as consultation concerning international exchange,
are available at the reception desk.
◆交流サロン/ Community Salon
Community Salon is available for activities related to international exchange between
Japanese residents and foreign residents or foreigners.
※This space is not open for self-study of school students.
Restrict use due to prevent infection of COVID-19.
◆ミーティングルーム/ Meeting Room
A space for a small group meeting related to international exchange or
foreign language and Japanese studies.
※Free to use. Available by booking at the reception one week prior to the day of use.
(First come, first serve. No booking on the phone)
◆研修室1、研修室2/ Seminar room #1, #2
These rooms are for activities of international exchange groups in Urayasu.
Each room is 30 people max. Two room can be combined for 60 people max.
You need group registration before use.
※Restriction of use up to 20 people per room due to prevent infection of COVID-19.
利用料金/ Fee:
◎平日¥1,100(各部屋1時間あたり) / MON – FRI \1,100 (per room per hour)
◎土・日¥1,320(各部屋1時間あたり)/ SAT and SUN \1,320 (per room per hour)
※About Group registration and booking ⇒ “How to use seminar room”
Equipment: TV with DVD player, CD player, projector and screen, microphone×2
◆調理室(研修室1に付属)/ Kitchen
Provided for an event of international exchange by cooking,
This room is combined with seminar room #1 and not available for single use.
※Kitchen is closed due to prevent infection of COVID-19.
利用料金/ Fee:
・研修室1の利用料金に含まれる/ Including fee of seminar room #1
貸出備品/ Equipment:
・調理器具他/ Cooking utensils
◆展示コーナー/ Exhibition Space
The exhibition are held on every month.
There are also a permanent exhibition of Orland, Florida U.S, the sister city of Urayasu.
◆図書コーナー/ Library Space
We subscribe language and foreign magazines, books about multicultural symbiosis and foreign countries,
and English news paper. Back numbers can be borrowed for 2 weeks.
アクセス/ Access
住所/ Add:
〒279-0012 千葉県浦安市入船1-2-1 新浦安駅前プラザマーレ 2階
〒279-0012 Shin-Urayasu ILMare 2F 1-2-1 Irifune, Urayasu-city, Chiba-pref.
電話/ TEL:047-306-5181
行き方/ How to access:
JR京葉線 新浦安駅「東口改札」より徒歩1分・新浦安駅前プラザマーレ2階。新浦安駅前交番の上です。
JR Keiyo-Line Shin-Urayasu Sta. Takes 1 min from “East gate” by walk.
These is walking slope connecting to IL Mare 2F.
※There is parking rot for bicycle.
※There is no parking space for cars. Please use public transportaion.
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